Professional copywriting workshops
Business Writing
"The best training course in 40 years at Camden."
The trainer's style is energetic, humorous and relaxed; a perfect fit for McDonald's. The consultants in the room, new and old, were very impressed with her delivery and content.
I’ll give you a credit in my biography someday!
This one-day course is designed to give delegates all the tools they need to write polished, professional business copy.
From crafting succinct sentences to brushing up on grammar and punctuation, the results will have students brimming with confidence about their business writing skills. The fast-paced workshop is packed full of practical exercises and teaches how to:
Effectively plan and structure your written work
Understand your readers’ needs
Get your message across clearly and concisely
Replace jargon and clichés with influential language
Use grammar and punctuation correctly
Employ creative devices to add originality to your writing
Write persuasive business emails and reports
Not since school have you really considered the English language in any depth. You have a vague recollections of ‘doing words’ and ‘describing words’, but beyond that your knowledge of grammar is a distant memory. Sound familiar?
This course is a fun, interactive lesson in all things grammatical, with a serious business twist.
Punctuation: commas, semi-colons and colons; quotation marks; apostrophes; dashes and hyphens
Capitalisation: e.g. job titles, document titles
Relative pronouns: which/what/who
Collective and institutional nouns
Common mix-ups: e.g. who/whom; I/me
Rules that can be broken
Extending your vocabulary
Common spelling errors and how to avoid them
Eliminating credibility killers, such as typos and spelling mistakes
Proofreading techniques
Writing marketing copy for a newsletter, website or magazine involves striking a careful balance between delivering your commercial messages and giving the reader what they want. Too corporate and it won’t be read; too reader-focused and you won’t meet your business objectives.
Delegates will come away from this session with dozens of techniques for engaging with their audience, spicing up business articles and delivering concise marketing content that successfully conveys their message.
Understand different reader needs
Write succinct business/technical copy in plain English
Deliver the commercial message without over-selling
Adopt the right tone and brand style
Find attention-grabbing hooks for dry topics
Write strong openings and endings
Pick the most suitable structure for the type of copy
Add sparkle through creative devices
Proof and edit your work
Taking notes in a busy meeting with unfamiliar delegates and a complex subject matter can be a daunting task. It takes good listening, writing and organisational skills to ensure you produce professional results.
This course provides clear guidelines on note-taking conventions, helping delegates stay in control, capture the most important points and produce accurate, readable minutes.
Learn how to:
Prepare to take minutes
Use accepted minute-writing models
Keep up with fast-paced meetings
Interpret discussions and distilling the relevant points
Listen actively and maintaining concentration levels
Ask for clarification of key points
Understand the difference between direct and indirect speech
Broaden your vocabulary of reporting verbs
Use appropriate sentence structure
Write succinctly and in plain English
The impact of accurate business copy on professional reputation cannot be understated. This half-day session combines a variety of proofreading techniques with fun exercises to enable participants to practise their new skills. It incorporates core grammatical rules.
Delegates will come away feeling much more confident in their ability to proof their work and they will understand what’s grammatically right and wrong.
The workshop will be centred around the following areas:
Overcoming barriers to effective proof reading
25 proofreading techniques
Editing for style, flow and content
Formatting and consistency
Refresher of key grammar and punctuation rules
This highly practical workshop provides concrete guidance on how to structure documents effectively. It gives attendees the confidence to use concise, accessible language, so that by the end of the training all delegates are delivering the same excellent standard of reports.
Gain clarity around the purpose and objectives
Understand your audience
Identify the most appropriate structure for the report
Ensure there is a clear narrative
Use lateral and linear planning tools
Translate complex information into simple terms, accurately
Write impactful executive summaries
Use navigation techniques to help signpost
Understand the importance of consistency
Adhere to organisational style guidelines
No PR professional's tool kit is complete without the ability to write effective and eye-catching press releases. This workshop gives participants the opportunity to take a step back, away from the pressures of the office, and consider what really goes into writing a fantastic press release.
Find the balance between corporate messaging and real news
Identify the news angle
Dos and don'ts of structure, style and content
Craft compelling headlines and first paragraphs
Write interesting quotes
Repackage releases for different media: print, digital, radio and TV
Tailor email pitches
Speed-write to deadline
Pulling together a pitch document or proposal can at first seem a daunting task, but by following the step-by-step guidelines, it becomes a straightforward and logical process. From taking the brief to finalising the plan, this plain English course demonstrates how to develop a professional strategic communications campaign.
Take and interrogate briefs
Conduct in-depth research and interpreting findings in an intelligent way
Answer the 'so what?' and the 'why?'
Understand the difference between objectives, strategy and tactics
Structure your work to build an irrefutable business case
Develop a systematic approach to storytelling
Demonstrate commercial value and return on investment
Agree and refine key messages
Develop creative ideas that fit strategically
Evaluate campaigns according to the latest industry standards